Overview The Matriarch:

From 2 to 8 players, The Matriarch is a deadly hide & seek party game where everyone is an imposter. It mixes social guessing with hide-and-seek mechanics and causes Paranoia in all players involved! BOTs are just programmed to complete their tasks, from milking cows to harvesting potatoes, they don’t question the Matriarch’s orders! Goal: Hide from the Matriarch and find the exit They look like BOTs but are controlled by real players. Emulate the BOTs to avoid drawing attention to yourself, when the Matriarch is around. Wait for the right opportunity to go underground. Dig to find the path that will lead you to the exit. Pray that the Matriarch doesn’t have you in her radar when the night comes. Patrol the convent and observe the Nuns Keep track of those with suspicious behavior… …or be unpredictable and catch them off guard Identify and Sacrifice the Sinners. Customize your games: Experiment with different maps, rounds length, random Matriarch, and more! Unlock new sacrifice devices: Giant cross, Guillotine, Pyre, Venomous Snakes…the choice is yours!

The Matriarch Pre-Installed:

Play on public servers and meet new players, or open up your own private server and play with a group of friends. there isn’t really much mechanics. It’s fun to play but when you dont do the quests the bots are supposed to do it’s obvious you’re a sinner. I hope there will be more mechanics added. Even tho I recommend buying it. When talking about the plot, this game is even better than the first one, exploring populated planets is really fun, we don’t have to bother with the ills of the first game. Basically everything has been improved. I am very happy about the option/ability to romance Tali. Weapons are much better here, you can finally feel their power. The opponents are much more diverse, and the missions themselves also have more details. Shepard and his crew seem more and more alive, actively talking to each other and exchanging memories, information, etc. I wasn’t sure about the slightly orange filter used in this game, but I got used to it quickly. Our conversational choices make a huge difference to the rest of the story, and it’s epic.

The Matriarch Free Download:

Unlock new sacrifice Different maps Customize your games

1 :: Download Game 2 :: Extract Game 3 :: Launch The Game 4 :: Have Fun 🙂

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